An Invitation To Come To Christ

An Opportunity For A New Life Forever

We are a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to bringing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who do not yet know him and preparing them for ministry.

For God So Loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only son of God.”

John 3:16-18

Support Our Mission

There are many ways to support our mission and join us in helping our cause: donate, volunteer, purchase a shirt –  and pray for our ministry.


We are looking for people who want to get the gospel message to those who do not know the Lord, we are hoping to host events to reach the lost. If you would like to be a part of that reach out to us.

Purchase a Shirt

Support our mission by purchasing (and wearing) our custom designed "Come To Christ" T-Shirt. It features our Logo in vibrant colors on a black T-Shirt made of 100% heavy cotton.


My Testimony - By Founder Rich Barham

I graduated from a University and got a job I really loved. I was making more money than I ever had and I had a nice condo, a car, and a "good" group of friends at a local bar. I thought life was going pretty well.

In 2008 the economy fell apart and I was laid off several times, eventually, I lost my condo, and my car, and ended up homeless. I became addicted to Meth and had nothing but the clothes on my back and a pipe in my pocket, which became my prized possession. I was living just to get high. I was blind to what it was doing to my family and to myself.

I began to think that I was nothing more than a homeless junkie thief, that my life didn't matter, and that what I did was meaningless. I lost much of my moral compass and began doing things I would never have thought possible. My life was out of control. 

One day I was at my mother's house and a televangelist came on, I felt this overwhelming pull to give my life to Christ. After that my thinking began to change, I started seeing what I was doing to my parents, my friends, and to myself. God showed me that everything we do matters and that it affects everyone around us, for good or for bad. I noticed how all my friends were high out of their minds, that their lives were destroyed and they were not healthy in any way. I realized that I was playing a part in that and that one day we will all face God and see what impact our lives had while we were here. I determined that I wanted my life to be for good. 

I had this idea of myself as a homeless junkie and that my life didn't matter. I thought that God was sitting there looking down on me saying "You really let me down this time!", "I'm so disappointed in you!", "you really failed me!". Then I had an experience where I prayed and asked God, "What do you think of me?" He said, "You're courageous, loving, giving, you love me, and you're pure of heart and meek. While He said these things images flashed in my mind showing times when I showed these qualities. Not only was He telling me what He thought of me he was showing me why. It taught me that when we are in Christ Jesus God only sees the good in us, we are forgiven and loved. It also changed my view of myself. 

I was always a firm believer that you can get anywhere in life one step after another and I prayed and asked God "What is the first step?" He said, "Get off the drugs." So I began a long fight to get sober. 

I was lying in a doorway where I was basically living and I said "God, this is not the life I want!" and I prayed for a job, a place to live, and a family. I got up and walked away from there and started going to a church, through miraculous circumstances I found a job and a place to live. 

Five years later I received my Bachelor's Degree in Pastoral Studies and I've come to find true peace and joy in the Lord. Jesus has given me a new life of purpose and meaning, a life where I know I am deeply loved, valued, and Cherished. . 

He has shown me the truth of life and what love truly means. Call out to Him, tell him you want to draw near to Him and see what He can do in your life.  I have been assured that my sins have been forgiven and that I am a member of God's family, I now know that if I were to die today I would go to heaven.    

Rich B.
Come to Christ

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